Right now, there are human rights violations all over the news. And all over the world. Human trafficking. Racism. Torture. Poverty. But it’s also clear that there is a basic lack of understanding of what our human rights are and what they mean.
At United for Human Rights, we’ve been helping inform people of their 30 human rights as delineated in 1948 by the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The United Nations established those rights. Now we need your help to communicate them. We’ve included PSAs that will inform and enlighten your community about their human rights.
We’re asking that you run them. When more people know their rights and respect the rights of others, the world will be a better place. And you can be a major part of making that happen.
View and download broadcast-quality versions of all of our television PSAs in multiple lengths and formats. These PSAs have no expiration dates and may be broadcast anywhere in the world or streamed online.
Listen to and download broadcast-quality versions of all of our radio PSAs in multiple lengths and formats. These PSAs have no expiration dates and may be broadcast anywhere in the world or streamed online.
View and download print-ready and digital versions of all of our outdoor PSAs in multiple sizes. These PSAs have no expiration dates and may be posted anywhere in the world.
View and download versions of all of our print PSAs in multiple sizes. These PSAs have no expiration dates and may be placed anywhere in the world.
View and download versions of all of our digital PSAs for use on websites, blogs and across social media. These PSAs have no expiration dates and may be posted anywhere in the world.